"I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it -- to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once."
- Toru Watanabe
Reading Haruki Murakami book for the first time creates a different refreshment to me. I've never read such sophisticated yet so delicate book like this, While reading the book I feel like being transported to the old Japan where love is evident and powerful. I got a lot of learning on how Japanese and perhaps each of us would do if Cupid's arrow would hit our heart. It depicts adolescence love showing ow vulnerable love is in youths and the effect we could all get. I admire how Haruki easily showcase the intense emotions each pages could give. This book give me edgy moments when I'm hang on unto some scene which gave me sleepless nights in a row.
Another thing I find amazing in the book is how Haruki wrote the sexual scenes without malice. I don't find it disgusting nor malicious, rather I saw love and compassion. It expresses a great deal of passion between characters that you don't find but exciting anfd intriguing which you makes you want to read more. Norwegian Wood don't just stay in the old Japan setting it also depicts young love of our youths today. It maybe a nostalgic scene for Toru Watanabe but for me it's like a real life scene was set in front of me.
All in all the book reach or even surpass critics eyes and judgement. Haruki is really a pride of Japan with evident writing and dedication with Norwegian Wood. What keeps me hanging is I WANT MORE. Funny it may seems but I hope Norwegian Wood would have a Book 2. I really what to know how Toru and Midori's life would likely turn out. I what to have more of their shared life moments and how would they face more of the future now that Toru has finally let go of Naoko and their past. Well, can't blame a girl for hoping. Having so many sleepless nights with book is worth it. I'm looking forward to reading more of Haruki's works.
Haruki Murakami's book on hand in the beach is a great combo.
I've heard reading Haruki Murakami's book is like solving pieces of puzzles. It makes you think hard which piece fits the other perfectly well. I then got so intrigued with his books. Luckily a student of mine sent two books of Haruki and one of those is the Norwegian Wood. I don't know what to expect on this book. I've never read Haruki's book in the past, I don't even know what's his style of writing. In the end I got so overwhelm. Yes, it made me do some scratching on the head trying to comprehend what the characters what to portray but I got most of the gist which makes me fell relieved and contented. Indeed, Haruki Murakami is one hell of great author!
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