Sunday, November 22, 2015


Journal No. 3

"Sometimes LIFE makes you GROW UP EARLY"

"Just last year you look like a girl, now you really did matured and became a woman."

Sunday, November 15, 2015


"As long as we're under the same MOON, I'll feel close to you."

Why MOOON Cafe and not MOON Cafe? The three O's represent the three original artist-owners of the restaurant.

Mexican cuisine is primarily a fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican cooking with European, especially Spanish. It is created mostly with ingredients native in Mexico such as tomatoes, squashes, avocados, cocoa and vanilla. - Wikipedia

Mooon Cafe is a mexican-inspired restaurant firstly opened in an unassuming neighborhood in Guadalupe, Cebu City. Last Saturday two of my girlfriends and I went there to explore the sumptuous meal Moon Cafe could offer.